Clients often come to us with a feeling that they need something new – a new website or a new identity for example – but with no real reason, aim or direction. With a limited budget and time restraints, focussing the brief as early as possible will direct the project and guide both designer and client through the process, which will save time, money and frustration on both sides. Being clear in the brief about what is needed requires input from both sides of the client-designer relationship and, arguably, a part of the role of the designer is to help finalise the brief by utilising their experience and expertise.
Asking the question that no-one else dares, or thinks, to ask is a bold thing to do (“Why do we need a new website?”) but interrogating the brief is key. Constantly asking questions about what, why, where, who etc drills down into the project. The answers to these questions reveal the true foundations on which to build the project upon and will result in a clear, focused brief which is a very powerful place to be in and will ensure that the design is answering the right problem.